Bergen Senators Fire Back On Trump’s Immigration Ban

BERGENFIELD, N.J. — Sen. Bob Gordon (D-Fair Lawn) and Sen. Loretta Weinberg (D-Teaneck) are joining forces with New York Sen. Michael Gianaris to oppose President Trump’s immigration ban.

State Sen. Bob Gordon (D-Fair Lawn).

State Sen. Bob Gordon (D-Fair Lawn).

Photo Credit: Lorraine Ash
State Sen. Loretta Weinberg (D-Teaneck).

State Sen. Loretta Weinberg (D-Teaneck).

Photo Credit: Lorraine Ash

The trio is developing legislation that would not allow the Port Authority to spend money on any action that stops Muslim refugees, green card holders, or citizens from other countries from entering the U.S.

“We consider the president’s executive order to be unconstitutional, illegal, immoral and antithetical to the principles on which our nation was founded,” Gordon told those gathered for a hearing on the Port Authority 10-Year Capital Plan in Bergenfield Monday night.

The Statue of Liberty, with Emma Lazarus’ invitation to refugees yearning to breathe free, literally stands at the center of the Port Authority District, Gordon said.

He added that both senators believe it would be “unconscionable” for the Port Authority to participate in a policy that discriminates against people on the basis of their nation of origin or religion.

The legislation will be identical in both states.

“We are hopeful,” Gordon said, “that it will be passed by both chambers and become law.”

He also applauded New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo on his recent efforts to stand up for fundamental American values.

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